Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for checking us out online. We hope you will visit us in person soon. In the meantime, you can read our statement of faith, watch a service/sermon, check out our ministries, visit us on social media, or contact us with any questions!

Here are some answers to a few frequently asked questions:


Q: What is a gathering at Ridgeview Bible Church like?

A: We gather every Sunday at 10:30AM (Sunday School at 9AM). Many people like to come early for coffee and fellowship. During the gathering, we enjoy corporate worship, times of prayer, and we hear a sermon from God's Word. The atmosphere is laid back, the worship vibrant, and the fellowship is awesome!

The church is made up of people from all walks of life, with lots of college students, and young families with children. 


Q: What denomination is Ridgeview?

A: We are a non-denominational church that looks to the Scriptures as our final authority for life, doctrine, and practice. 


Q: What ministries do you have for children on Sunday morning?

A: During the worship gathering we have a nursery for the very young among us. And during the sermon, children up to grade 2 can participate in Kid's Church, and hear a Bible-based lesson aimed right at them! All of our staff and volunteers who serve in children's ministries are well-trained and thoroughly screened.

There is also a "cry room" off of the worship center where mothers can hear the service while nursing or comforting their very young children. 

Of course, children of all ages are welcome to remain with their families during the gathering.


Q: What should I wear?

A: Whatever you would like to wear. We're a college church in a ranching community so you will see a lot of blue jeans and flannel. You should wear whatever you are comfortable wearing. 


Q: How do I give to the church?

A: We don't pass a plate during the service, but there are "giving boxes" near the sanctuary doors, where you can leave a gift. There are also envelopes for cash gifts, and everything is tax-deductible. Alternatively, you can give online!


Q: What are sermons like at Ridgeview?

A: We emphasize the central place of the Word of God in the life of the church. Accordingly, we take preaching seriously. The sermon will most likely be "expositional", with an aim to understand a passage and know how to apply its truths to our lives. Sermons typically last 35-40 minutes. If you would like, you can listen to a sermon online before visiting.